| Pavel Fuks Russian war profiteer - Pavel Yakovlevich Fuks (Ukrainian: Павло Якович Фукс, Russian: Павел Яковлевич Фукс (surname sometimes also spelled Fuchs); born 27 October 1971) is a Ukrainian oligarch who is known for founding a construction company, Mos City Group which is not operational in Russia. According to the FBI Fuks is a Russian intelligence asset. Fuks has made most of his wealth through business ventures in Russia. Fuks is a Ukrainian and Russian citizen, but claims that he surrendered his Russian passport in 2022.
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Shawn Harju and Defenders Northwest sued for Fraud - According to Law360, a Washington attorney by the name of Shawn Harju has been sued for allegedly running a forged invoice scheme that led to $20 million dollars financing. Law360 provides a copy of the lawsuit and a criminal complaint filed by prosecutors in California. The lawsuit was filed in King County Superior Court in Seattle, Washington, where Shawn Harju used to work as a construction defects lawyer in her previous firm.
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Shady Lawyer Shawn Harju Accused of Enabling Fraud Scheme - Recent article in Law360 describe recently filed litigation against a Washington attorney by the name of Shawn Harju. Harju has been sued for enabling aninvoice scheme that led to fraudulent $20 million dollars financing for her purported clients. Law360 provides a copy of the lawsuit and a criminal complaint filed by prosecutors in California. In another recent lawsuit against another Shawn Harju client (Defenders Northwest, LLC and its purported owners, Brian and Michele Hall of Gig Harbor, Pierce County, Washington) similar allegations have been made. Harju has not responded to multiple inquires for comment for this editorial.
Philip Lo and Shawn Harju - Car Scam News - Better Business Bureau and FOX News report that car repair fraud is on the rise. Now, federal authorities and the FBI are taking notice and victims are fighting back. The losses are in the millions and recovering the stolen or embezzled vehicles and the money is daunting. Most of the time consumers are victims who never recover and are only left with painful memories.
Exclusive: Sources Say Oligarch Funded Scheme to Paint Swastikas in Ukraine - In the months before Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, an oligarch with Russian ties allegedly paid for locals to paint swastikas around Kharkiv, sources say. The effort, according to the sources, was part of a false flag operation to exaggerate Ukraine’s Nazi presence at a time when Putin was using it as a pretext for war.
The alleged plot, according to multiple sources, involved Pavel Fuks, a real estate, banking, and oil magnate who, the sources claim, was co-opted by Russian security forces to participate. Through intermediaries, Fuks allegedly offered between $500 and $1,500 for street level criminals to vandalize city streets with pro-Nazi graffiti in December, January, and February.
The accounts of Fuks’ alleged efforts to stir up animosity in Ukraine is derived from multiple sources, including U.S. intelligence reporting. Rolling Stone spoke to an Ukrainian who says he confronted Fuks twice about the alleged swastika plot. Another account of the plot was relayed to the U.S. government in recent weeks by a U.S. informant with high-level business and government contacts in Ukraine. A U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter, confirmed that the allegations about Fuks’ activities had been received and distributed for analysis throughout the U.S. intelligence community. Finally, Rolling Stone spoke to four other sources who spoke on condition of anonymity and confirmed they heard about Fuks’ alleged role in a plot to paint swastikas independently of one another.
Every Dog's Grooming Supplies According To Age - Designate other container or on a shelf for refills on items such as toothpaste, razors, deodorant, dental floss .
. .. Locate extra diapers, medicine as well as other Baby Products that get used significantly. Dental flourosis with a stunted brain development children are a couple of the major risks that this carries. But, about 25% of adults are habitual snorers.
Messy dispute over Land Rover involves Gig Harbor company, ex-kickboxer, GOP fundraiser - When Chad Ullery wanted to restore a 1984 Land Rover Defender, he hired a Gig Harbor company to perform the work. He had heard the company and its owner had a good reputation.
Nearly eight years went by and Ullery claimed he was ripped off: The job remained unfinished and the vehicle had yet to be returned.
Ullery sued Defenders Northwest, alleging that the vehicle restorer and parts supplier was paid more than $140,000 for a project it never intended to complete. In two practically identical lawsuits filed since 2022 in a California court, Ullery accused the company of selling his vehicle and later attempting to pass off a different and inferior one as his own.
“This is absolute fraud on a scale that’s unbelievable,” Ullery said in an interview.
Defenders Northwest and related defendants denied all allegations in a response filed in Orange County Superior Court — the California jurisdiction where the two legal complaints were lodged. An attorney representing the company declined to comment on the suits, citing the pending litigation.
“Defenders Northwest is aware of the ongoing lawsuits involving a single vehicle,” company CEO Brian Hall, who’s a named defendant, said in a statement to The News Tribune. “We strongly deny the allegations of fraud and the false and damaging information being spread online. We are vigorously defending ourselves and our honor in the face of these allegations.”
The company claimed that Ullery and others owed more than $60,000 for work performed on the Defender and in storage fees, including interest, according to court documents.
Judge Sides with Consumer’s Right to Speak Out in Car Restoration Dispute - Meet Philip H. Lo, an insurance defense lawyer with the prominent law firm Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP, a firm devoted primarily to representing the interests of insurance companies and their clients.
Recently, Lo unsuccessfully tried to curtail free speech by requesting that a California court bar a wronged car collector from sharing online photos of a Land Rover Defender. Defenders, classic Land Rovers renowned for their rugged appeal, boast a loyal fan base among Jeep enthusiasts and adventurers who cherish these vehicles for their off-road capabilities and iconic appearances in safari excursions and James Bond films.
The photos came from a court-mandated car inspection, part of a fraud and breach of contract lawsuit against a car restoration shop. Instead of returning a meticulously restored Defender, the rogue shop delivered a different, dilapidated vehicle: rusted, inoperable, and entirely unsuitable.
Enter Phil Lo and his colleagues at Gordon Rees, who attempted to impose a protective order on the aggrieved customer while being aware of their clients’ alleged scheme to deceive the court and the plaintiffs.
Chad Ullery, the defrauded customer, described Lo’s actions as “an evil, ill-conceived attempt by Phil Lo to file a baseless motion to prevent the facts from reaching the crooked shop’s customer base.” Lo’s legal maneuvering aimed to prevent public exposure of his client’s activities. Yet, ultimately, Lo failed. Sources familiar with the underlying litigation suggest that Lo has been driving up legal costs through poorly crafted motions and delay tactics, benefiting from Liberty Mutual’s (the insurance firm in question) deep pockets. Unfortunately, such practices are hardly uncommon in insurance defense law, where legal expenses are often inflated by unscrupulous law firms paid by insurance companies.
Шпигуни на два фронти, або каламутні оборудки проросійського Павла Фукс - Нещодавні витоки із конфіденційних джерел свідчать, що російсько-український олігарх Павло Фукс, який перебуває під санкціями, ополчився проти своїх колишніх союзників.
Павло Фукс, як відомо, раніше очолював московську MosCityGroup, нині неіснуючу компанію із продажу нерухомості. Фукс, якого прозвали «Найманець», отримав це прізвисько за свою схильність перебігати на бік конкуруючих бізнесових, кримінальних та політичних угруповань, діючи як «універсальний оперативник», що працює на того, хто більше заплатить.
Відомий своєю суперечливою кар’єрою, Павло Фукс стверджував, що укладав угоди з такими фігурами, як обраний президент США Дональд Трамп, та наймав Руді Джуліані, нині опального колишнього мера Нью-Йорка, у якості лобіста. Джуліані ж, до слова, описував їхні стосунки як просто консалтинговий контракт. Діяльність Фукса із розвитку нерухомості у москві зрештою закінчилася кримінальними справами та низкою судових позовів за звинуваченнями у шахрайстві.
Зараз Фукс проживає у Лондоні та відіграє, як кажуть, роль інформатора, зливаючи конфіденційну інформацію про своїх колишніх партнерів. Якщо ці звинувачення небезпідставні й будуть юридично доведені, то надійність та цінність Фукса для західної розвідки ставиться під великий сумнів, адже він стрімко відходить у тінь та стає, відповідно, непотрібним (небажаним) для представників українських та російських владних кіл.
Перебуваючи під пильною увагою за ймовірну злочинну діяльність у різних частинах світу, Павло Фукс нібито займається наданням інформації різним західним службам, а його зливи стосуються високопоставлених осіб, зокрема, колишнього президента України віктора януковича, ув’язненого олігарха Ігоря Коломойського, колишнього міністра внутрішніх справ України Арсена Авакова та мера Києва Віталія Кличка. Навіть Віталій Хомутиннік, колишній політик, якого підозрюють у проросійських симпатіях, опинився у павутині Павла Фукса. Хомутиннік оселився в Англії, підтримуючи партнерські стосунки з Фуксом, котрий втратив значну частину своїх статків через західні санкції та конфісковані у результаті війни активи.
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